Limited Pilot Butte access ahead of fireworks show
This year’s 4 th of July Pilot Butte public fireworks display will commence at approximately 10pm on Saturday. In preparation, the Oregon State Parks Department and Bend Fire Department ask that the community observe the following restrictions to Pilot Butte State Park from July 1 st through July 5 th .
The access road to the summit will be closed to all vehicle traffic beginning on July 1 st. All the trails and roadways will be accessible to pedestrians only through 10:00 pm on July 3 rd with the exception of the summit, which will be closed to all but authorized personnel and equipment. Access to ALL trails and roadways ( top to bottom ) on Pilot Butte will be closed on July 4 th and the morning of July 5 th . No access will be permitted and law enforcement will be on site to enforce restrictions. Those attempting entry to closed areas may be cited for trespassing. This is for everyone’s safety. The main parking area at the base of Pilot Butte off Linnea Drive will be open on a first-come, first-serve basis for those wishing to view the fireworks display. No parking will be permitted along Linnea Drive or Arnett Way in order to maintain emergency access to the area. Signs and fences will be placed at the closure points on the Butte . Please respect the closed areas and do not attempt entry for your own safety and the safety of those working to set up the fireworks display. Visitors will NOT be allowed into the closed areas at any time. Pilot Butte will re-open for all visitors the afternoon of July 5 th after all fireworks and equipment have been secured and removed from the site. Oregon State Parks requests your cooperation if you plan to view the fireworks display from the main parking area off Linnea Drive. The use of consumer fireworks is not permitted on Oregon State Parks property at any time, and no pets will be permitted at Pilot Butte State Park on July 4 th . The reason for prohibiting pets is that many animals become very frightened at the loud noises made by the large display fireworks and may run away. For their safety and your peace of mind, please leave your pets at home in a secure location.
For more information, please contact Oregon State Parks at (541) 388-6055
or Bend Fire Department at (541) 322-6309.