Redmond Airport director Tripp resigns

Redmond Airport Director Jeff Tripp has resigned after just over a year on the job, continuing the rapid turnover in that position in recent years.
When asked why Tripp resigned, City Manager Keith Witcosky put it this way Thursday, “When someone makes a decision to resignm it’s their own story. It’s their own narrative. It’s personal — it’s personal to everyone. If they feel comfortable speaking, I’d prefer to let them speak to it.”
Tripp did not want to speak. Witcosky confirmed Thursday to NewsChannel 21 that Tripp submitted his resignation on Monday, effective Aug. 31. Monday also was his last day of work, though he will be paid through the formal departure date in the $111,660-a-year position.
“It will be quite a loss,” Witcosky said. “He and his team accomplished a lot over the past year.”
He said there are no plans to immediately hire a replacement and that the current team overseeing the airport is a good one. He added that he’s given the team the responsibility of working through this and let him know when they believe leadership is necessary.
Long-time airport director Carrie Novick retired in 2011 after more than 20 years overseeing the city-owned facility. She was followed by Kim Dickie, who was demoted and resigned less than two years later. Bob Noble served as interim director for about six months, until Tripp was hired in the spring of last year.
The airport recently had a long legal dispute with a fixed-based operator, Butler Aircraft/KC Aero, that recently was amicably revolved. A second fixed-based operator, Leading Edge, recently was chosen to also provide fueling and other services on the north side of the airport.