C. Oregonians recall pet rescues in Katrina’s wake
Staff from the Central Oregon Pet Evacuation Team and The Humane Society of Central Oregon were watching, as was the rest of America, as Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans hard a decade ago
And like so many others, they acted — and went to the scene to help.
Jamie Kanski, regional coordinator of the Central Oregon Pet Evacuation, recalls it vividly, 10 years later.
“It seems like just last year to me, because we went through all these neighborhoods and it was just so spooky,” she said Wednesday.
“It was like, you know, the Walking Dead movies you see on TV, where all the freeways are deserted, there’s windows broken out all over.
“As we were coming in one day, I’m sure that at some point when people were leaving on the buses that they took from there, that they made someone leave their dog off the bus — and it was still sitting there,” Kanski said.
The Humane Society of Central Oregon also a few staff members to help animals in need. After many dogs and cats were rescued, those who weren’t returned to their owners were sent out all across America, to be put up for adoption.
HSCO received five dogs, all of which were adopted by loving Central Oregon families.