Gov’s transportation panel sets Redmond meeting
Oregonians are invited to offer their thoughts and ideas on the Governor ‘s Transportation Vision Panel’s preliminary findings, including a Jan. 14 session in Redmond.
The panel will use the public’s input heard during a series of meetings from Jan. 4 through March 14 to refine its recommendations to the Governor on the future of Oregon’s transportation system.
The Redmond session, fourth in a series of 10, is set for 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 14 at the Redmond Public Works Training Room, 243 East Antler Avenue.
The Governor’s Transportation Vision Panel is a year-long effort to develop a series of recommendations addressing transportation issues across all types of transportation and regions of the state. Members of the vision panel include legislative representatives, business owners, and civic leaders from across Oregon.
Each upcoming public meeting will include an overview of the vision panel’s process and preliminary findings, and adiscussion on how the transportation system can support regional economic needs and priorities.
The meetings are open to the public. Accommodations will be provided to persons with disabilities, and alternate formats of printed material are available upon request by calling 503-986-3998 or 711 prior to the meeting
Anyone interested in providing input but unable to attend the meetings can contact Sam Haffner, Governor ‘s Transportation Vision Panel project manager, at 503-986-3998 or email .