Oregon’s marijuana tax revenues top $40 million
The Oregon Department of Revenue said Monday it has received $40.2 million in marijuana tax payments, as of Sept. 30.
Medical marijuana dispensaries started collecting a 25 percent tax on their recreational marijuana sales in January.
With licensed retailers now selling recreational marijuana in some areas, consumers may see a lower tax rate on their receipts, officials said.
“Retailers” are those selling recreational marijuana who have been licensed by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission. Licensed retailers must charge a 17 percent tax on all recreational marijuana sales. Dispensaries must continue to charge the 25 percent tax rate until early-start provisions expire at the end of this year.
For dispensaries, third-quarter marijuana tax returns are due by October 31 , 2016. Forms, instructions and important information about filing and payment requirements are available at www.oregon.gov/dor/marijuana . If dispensaries or retailers need additional assistance, they can contact the Marijuana Tax Program at (503) 947-2597 or marijuanatax.dor@oregon.gov
Visit www.oregon.gov/dor to get tax forms, check the status of your refund, or make tax payments; or call 1 (800) 356-4222 toll-free from an Oregon prefix (English or Spanish); (503) 378-4988 in Salem and outside Oregon; or email questions.dor@oregon.gov . For TTY (hearing or speech impaired), call 1 (800) 886-7204 .