Bend OKs private contractors for snow removal
In anticipation of winter road maintenance, the Bend City Council on Wednesday night authorized the city to spend up to $185,000 on private contractors for snow removal on residential streets this winter.
Each year, the city of Bend works with multiple contractors assigned to plow certain geographic residential areas, as a supplement to services provided directly by the Streets and Operations Department. Calling out the private contrac ted plows is considered when six inches of snow accumulates and a storm appears to have has set in.
This $185,000 maximum spent on contractors in residential areas would be part of the overall winter operations budget of about $1.2 million. The city spent about $130,000 last winter on private contactor snow removal.
After the first two inches of snow accumulates during a storm, the city uses its own crews and equipment and prioritizes plowing a connec ted network of high-volume streets primarily for emergency service operations – major roads such as Third Street, 27th Street, Mt. Washington Drive and Reed Market Road.
Then city crews and equipment focus on routes to medical facilities, schools, major employment centers and places that need special attention, such as steep hills or curves.
If the forecast calls for icy conditions, city crews apply magnesium chloride ahead of time to prevent ice buildup. Due to materials curing, deicer is not applied the first winter season to newest roundabouts. Crushed rock is applied for traction, so drivers should use extra caution. Finally, on hills, intersections, curves, corners and other problem areas, the city spreads crushed rock for traction.
There are many factors that affect the Streets and Operations Department’s snow and ice operations, including how fast it’s snowing, how wet the snow is, time of day, duration of the storm and more.
It’s the city’s goal to keep traffic flowing in a safe and orderly fashion. The city asks drivers to have patience and allow some extra time for travel when it snows.
The City’s Snow and Ice Control Plan can be found at