Volunteers in Medicine Clinic receives grant
Volunteers in Medicine (VIM) is pleased to announce the recent award of $17,250 in grant funding from The Roundhouse Foundation to help sponsor healthcare services for 23 uninsured, low-income adults for one year.
“We are honored that The Roundhouse Foundation shares our mission and continues to support our clinic,” said Kat Mastrangelo, Executive Director at VIM. “This commitment to community health allows low-income, uninsured adults in Central Oregon access to quality compassionate healthcare and keeps our region strong.”
VIM’s services are provided on a donation basis to adults over 18 who live in the tri-county area and are not eligible for Affordable Care Act programs.
The average income of a VIM patient’s family is $31,000 per year for a family of four. Many patients work two or three jobs. When an uninsured breadwinner becomes ill and must choose to either spend money on their own healthcare, or feed their family, they will almost always choose their family.
“Most of the patients that come to VIM have multiple chronic conditions that could have been prevented with timely and consistent access to medical care. This is what VIM provides – a safe place to receive necessary care that also respects the difficult choices that a low-income family breadwinner must make,” says Mastrangelo.
More than 300 big-hearted clinic volunteers, 350+ community medical partners, and hundreds of compassionate, generous donors pool their strengths to care for the uninsured. This unique collaboration has kept thousands of low-income adults healthy, working and able to care for their families over the last 12 years.
“With support from donors like The Roundhouse Foundation and our dedicated volunteers, VIM will continue to serve the medically uninsured for as long as there is a need,” said Mastrangelo. “Together we are providing community powered healthcare.”
About VIM
Volunteers in Medicine (VIM) was established in 2001 and provides free medical, mental health, vision and prescription drug care for adults over 18 who live or work in Deschutes, Crook or Jefferson County, earn less than 250% of federal poverty levels and are uninsured. Last year, VIM provided care across more than 7,300 patient visits. Funding is through individual and corporate donations, grants, and patient donations. vim-cascades.org.
About The Roundhouse Foundation
The Roundhouse Foundation supports creative projects and organizations that connect the community of Sisters, Central Oregon, and rural communities in the Northwest through art, environmental conservation, social services, community leadership and education.