Sisters roundabout work to close road access
With the new roundabout project on U.S. Highway 20 in Sisters at about the halfway mark, crews from Knife River Corporation, under contract to the Oregon Department of Transportation, are closing access to McKinney Butte Road to complete the job. The restriction of access from Highway 20 will begin Monday and it will reopen the week of May 22 nd .
The majority of work will occur Monday through Saturday during daytime hours. Traffic on US 20 will remain open, and work will not provide significant delays for traffic except for the detour of McKinney Butte Road. Travelers trying to access McKinney Butte Road should follow signed detour routes using Hood Street.
The purpose of this $3.2 million project is to improve safety, mobility and access at the intersection of US 20 and Barclay Drive, located just west of downtown Sisters.
ODOT officials said constructing a roundabout rather than a signal will reduce conflicts among vehicles, bicyclist and pedestrians while improving traffic flow for all users, including freight. It will also improve access to and from the Barclay/Locust alternate route and provide an aesthetically pleasing gateway into the city of Sisters and Central Oregon.
ODOT’s goal is to have the roundabout operational by Memorial Day weekend, with only nighttime work occurring up to the end of June, when the project is scheduled to be fully completed.
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