Prineville PD joins seat belt enforcement blitz
The Prineville Police Department is joining other Oregon Law Enforcement agencies in a statewide safety belt and traffic enforcement “Blitz” from May 15 th -28 th .
This enhanced enforcement is provided through overtime funding from the Oregon Department of Transportation and the USDOT’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
This enforcement focuses on proper use of Safety belts, Child safety seats, Minors in open pickup beds, Texting while driving, and Speed enforcement. Properly using safety belts, and driving at a safe speed saves lives.
With onset of warmer weather, officers will also be checking compliance with laws prohibiting transportation of a minor in an open pickup truck bed.
Oregon Revised Statute 811.205¹ Carrying minor on external part of vehicle
(1) A person commits the offense of carrying a minor on an external part of a motor vehicle if the person carries any person under 18 years of age upon the hood, fender, running board or other external part of any motor vehicle that is upon a highway.
(2) For purposes of this section, the open bed of a motor vehicle is an external part of a motor vehicle.
(3) A person does not commit the offense described in this section if the person:
(a) Is carrying a minor in the open bed of a motor vehicle and the minor is secured with a safety belt or safety harness that complies with rules adopted under ORS 815.055 (Rules establishing standards for safety belts, harnesses and child safety systems);
(b) Is operating the motor vehicle in an organized parade; or
(c) Is carrying a minor who is seated on the floor of the open bed of a motor vehicle in which all available passenger seats are occupied by minors, the tailgate is securely closed and the minor is being transported:
(A) In the course and scope of employment, provided that the minor is transported in compliance with law and rules regulating the transport of workers; or
(B)(i) Between a hunting camp and a hunting site or between hunting sites during hunting season; and
(ii) The minor has a hunting license.
(4) The offense described in this section, carrying a minor on an external part of a motor vehicle, is a Class B traffic violation. [1983 c.338 §604; 1995 c.383 §53; 2003 c.107 §1]
The Prineville Police Department encourages everyone to drive safely!