Cascade Lakes Hwy. won’t fully open by Memorial Day
Due to significant snow depths near Devils Lake, the Deschutes County Road Department estimates that a full opening of the Cascade Lakes Highway won’t occur until the week of June 4, officials said Friday .
The southern portion of Cascade Lakes Highway, accessed by South Century Drive (Forest Service Road 42), is currently blocked via snow gate at Lava Lake, the county said.
The snow gate will be moved to Elk Lake on May 25, officials said .
For more information, contact the Deschutes County Road Department at 541-388-6581 or visit: .
Meanwhile, the Forest Service and Hoodoo Recreation said about two-thirds of all campgrounds on the forest have opened or will be ready for campers by May 25. Some higher-elevation campgrounds won’t be accessible until accumulated snowpack melts, they said. Campers should check or call 541-338-7869 before heading out.