Bend-area debris burning season expected to close soon
With the warm weather returning and vegetation drying out, the Bend Fire Department anticipates that Central Oregon fire chiefs will close down debris burning at sunset on Wednesday May 31 st . Outdoor debris burning within the city limits of Bend is closed year-round by City of Bend Ordinance.
With a week left in debris burning season, the Bend Fire Department reminds everyone to be cautious when burning, to ensure your fire does not escape your intended area. Here are some tips for having a safe debris burn:
– Always call the burn information line before lighting your fire to ensure burning is open. Call 541-322-6335 for the recorded message.
– Follow the Bend Fire Department Burning Regulations (found online or at any fire station).
– Do not burn on windy days. Don’t burn if the winds are predicted above 15 mph.
– Always have water and tools readily available when burning to keep the fire where you want it.
– Always fully extinguish your fire when done. The burn area should be cold to the touch when you leave. Ash and dirt are great insulators, and improperly extinguished fires can reignite for up to days later by winds.
– Fires must be attended at all times.
These tips and more can be found on this website:
For more information on safe burning, or for a free consultation, call their office at 541-322-6300.
Backyard fires which include warming fires, campfires and cooking fires are allowed in the Bend area, when used within the guidelines set forth in the Bend Fire Department Burning Regulations.
As a reminder to all Central Oregon residents, regulations may vary between fire protection jurisdictions, including the burn season closure date. Please contact your local, state or federal fire agency for specific requirements and closures.