Police shoot, kill cougar spotted on Madras back porch

(Update: Comments from undersheriff)
A cougar spotted in a Madras trailer park was shot and killed by authorities Friday night.
Jefferson County sheriff’s deputies and Oregon State police, along with a wildlife specialist, responded to the area of C Street near First Street in Madras due to the cougar sighting, according to the sheriff’s office Facebook page.
The cougar was tracked down and dispatched near the popular M Hill walking path in Madras, deputies said.
Undersheriff Marc Heckathorn said the sheriff’s office got a 911 call about a cougar on a resident’s back porch. It was found on Southwest C Street near First Street and was chasing house cats in the area and was not skittish.
Heckathorn said Saturday the cougar was not afraid of humans.
“It didn’t show signs of being afraid of people, and that’s one of the biggest concerns we have,” Heckathorn said.
“If somebody sees it and it takes off immediately, we are not nearly as concerned — we’ll contact the (ODFW) biologist and see about trying to do a relocate,” he said. “But when it came down to it not showing a lot of fear of persons, and where it’s at, that’s just way too dangerous for a cat that’s not showing any fear.”
Heckathorn said the wildlife specialist agreed that euthanizing the cougar was the right choice. He added that no human or animal was hurt by the cougar.
In announcing the incident, deputies said, “Please report any cougar sightings to the police. Be aware of your surroundings when hiking/walking and never approach a wild animal.”
More information from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife can be found at: http://www.dfw.state.or.us/wildlife/living_with/cougars.asp