Oregon eclipse daily update – Friday, Aug. 18
As the eclipse quickly approaches, issues related to traffic, wildfires, and smoke are affecting travel. Rumors related to fuel, and a shortage of eclipse-rated glasses, are also prompting concerns. The Oregon Eclipse Joint Information Center, working with partner centers and agencies around the state, will issue regular updates starting today.
+ The State Emergency Communications Center (ECC) elevated from “enhanced watch” for the eclipse to activation at 1 p.m. on Friday in order to coordinate response to the growing number of wildfires in the state.
+ Some people have questioned whether enough fuel is available at Oregon gas stations. The Oregon Department of Energy reports fuel trucks are making deliveries around the clock. Even if a station runs out of fuel, its a temporary situation.
+ The terminals report that Oregons supply is in great shape, with no problems. Fuel haulers reinforced that. Theyre making their deliveries and not reporting any problems.
+ Should you encounter a fuel shortage at an area gas station, we recommend you visit another fuel station or return to the station that was out of fuel at a later time.
+ Stay calm fuel on!
+ Weather and smoke levels can vary dramatically during wildfires. This can vary not only daily, but also hourly. Smoke may also affect one part of a community but not another. This can make it difficult to provide specific health warnings, especially when conditions change quickly.
+ Since smoke from wildfires varies around the state — and can change quickly — we recommend residents and visitors visit the multiagency site for communicating smoke information to the public at http://oregonsmoke.blogspot.com. This site has the best and latest information about smoke conditions in your area.
+ Some people, such as those with chronic heart or lung disease, children and the elderly may experience health effects even when the air is unhealthy for a short time. It is important to take precautions based on your individual health and the smoke levels around you. This may mean staying indoors when air quality is poor. It may also mean not exercising during these conditions.
+ Traffic into and around Oregon will increase over the next few days as more and more people arrive to view the eclipse.
+ The best advice is to get where you are going and then stay put. Arrive early, stay put and leave late is your best course of action.
+ Those wanting the best and most current information on traffic conditions around the state should visit the Oregon Department of Transportation’s TripCheck web page at http://TripCheck.com.
+ ODOT also has a mobile site at http://TripCheck.com/mobile.
+ Some areas have reported the supply of eclipse viewing glasses is low or depleted. While genuine protective eyewear is the only safe way to directly view the eclipse, one alternative to glasses includes a homemade pinhole projector. Visit the OEM Facebook page for a link to instructions on How to Make a Pinhole Projector to View the Solar Eclipse. The OEM page is http://www.facebook.com/OMDOEM
+ For additional information on safe viewing, visit the Oregon Academy of Ophthalmology at www.oregoneyephysicians.org, and the Casey Eye Institute www.ohsu.casey.com.
Oregons 211 information line is the best source of information for questions regarding Eclipse issues. Resident and visitors are encouraged to call 211 or visit 211info.org for information.