Redmond PD joins in ‘No-Shave November’
On November 1, the Redmond Police Department started to shelve the shaving cream and cap their razors to participate in “No Shave November.” “No Shave November” was started as a way to show support for those affected by cancer and bring awareness to various cancer programs. Proceeds will benefit St. Charles Cancer Center Survivorship program.
Again this year, the department has partnered with the St. Charles Cancer Center Survivorship Program as the recipient of the donations raised by our efforts. Redmond Police employees have seen firsthand the effects of cancer. Some have lost friends or family members to cancer; others have friends or family who are currently fighting cancer. “No Shave November” is just one small way we can give back to those fighting this disease.
If you wish to donate to the “No Shave November” event, you can bring cash or check donations to the police department (checks to be made out to St. Charles Foundation C/O Survivorship Program).
Progress pictures of those employees who agreed to participate will periodically be posted on our Facebook page at The Redmond Police department would like to extend its appreciation to those who are participating in “No Shave November” and to those who have pledged donations to support those in our community who are fighting this disease.