Bend seeks volunteers for accessibility advisory panel

The city of Bend is seeking applications for volunteers interested in joining the City of Bend Accessibility Advisory Committee (COBAAC). The committee’s purpose is to assist and advise the city in making its programs, services, activities and facilities accessible to all of Bend’s residents.
Committee members should have demonstrated interest, experience and commitment to issues pertaining to accessibility. Attendance for a monthly meeting on the 4th Thursday of each month is a minimum time requirement.
Bend residents are preferred. Members are appointed to one- to three-year terms by the city manager. Please fill out an application online, (see link below) or pick one up at City Hall, 2nd Floor Administration Office.
Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Monday, March 26.
For questions on serving and becoming a COBAAC Member, please contact the Accessibility program at 541-693-2198 or
For more information regarding the City of Bend Accessibility Advisory Committee (COBAAC) and becoming a volunteer member please, visit our web site at:
City of Bend Accessibility Advisory Committee. Online applications: Advisory Committee Application.