Local Alert Weather, Wed. AM, 3.21.18

Good Wednesday Morning, Everyone…
A very wet storm system pressing into the west coast will bring heavy rain throughout California and as that system tracks toward the NE rain will become heavier here on the High Desert. With southerly winds at 5-15 mph we will see our daytime highs reach the mid to upper 50’s.
Overnight lows will range from the mid 30’s to low 40’s. Some areas will see mixed showers tonight while others see only rain. Winds will turn SE at 5-10 mph.
This initial system will weaken tonight, but it will be quickly replaced by a somewhat stronger and colder system moving southward along the coast. Thursday will be rainy, windy and a bit cooler. The passage of a cold front will leave us much colder Friday. We will see a chance of light snow showers Friday and Saturday. We will stay pretty chilly Sunday, but that is also the day we will see storm activity start to break up. A nice little warming and clearing trend will carry us into the middle of next week.