Local Alert Weather, Tue. AM, 7.31.18

Good Tuesday Morning, Everyone…
A slightly increased amount of moisture moving in from the south over hot temps will give many areas a 20% chance of pop-up thunderstorms this afternoon and evening. Highs will be in the mid to upper 90’s. NW breezes will pick up to 5-15 mph with gusts to 20 mph. Smoky air will stay with us for much of the day. We will see some partial clearing tonight with lows in the upper 40’s to low 50’s, and gentle SW breezes.
A heat advisory will be in place over the region until 11:00 pm today. In addition, a fire weather watch will be in place from 1:00 pm today until 3:00 am Wednesday due to gusty winds being added to already hot, dry conditions. The smoky haze over the region will keep our air quality in the moderate to good range at best until wildfires have been extinguished.
These hot temperatures will be with us today and tomorrow and then we will see a break beginning Thursday. Under sunny skies our temps will return to average and even a little below average through the remainder of the week and the weekend ahead.
In the NewsChannel 21 Weather Center, I’m Bob Shaw…