ODOT to inspect ski resort buses, drivers
With ski season underway, the Oregon Department of Transportation said Monday it will conduct safety inspections of buses and their drivers in winter recreation areas this winter.
In partnership with motor coach companies and travel destinations such as ski resorts, the Motor Carrier Transportation Division of ODOT will conduct safety inspections of both buses and drivers. This safety effort will include the enforcement of Oregon’s tire chain law for driving in winter conditions.
ODOT said passengers should see no interruption of their trips because buses will be inspected after passengers are off-loaded at resorts. Bus operators should have time to correct any critical safety violations prior to passengers returning from their day on the slopes, the agency said.
ODOT added in a news release that its “mission includes promoting a safe, efficient and responsible commercial transportation system for all travelers. Commercial buses – those carrying nine or more passengers, including the driver – are required to stop at ODOT inspection stations for checkups of vehicle safety equipment and eligibility of the driver.”
For more information on ODOT commercial vehicle safety inspections, visit https://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/MCT/Pages/TruckSafety.aspx
For more information on Oregon’s chain requirements, visit https://www.tripcheck.com