Students can serve as honorary legislative pages

The Oregon House of Representatives and the Oregon Senate will once again be hosting students from around the state as part of the Honorary Page Program.
This program is steeped in history and allows students to witness the legislative process in an up-close and personal way in a space of approximately six hours. In the last legislative session in 2017-18, over 400 students participated in the Senate and House programs.
Applications for both Senate and House programs will be accepted beginning in January for the 2019 Legislative Assembly.
The page program is voluntary and will run during the regular session from February to June. However, the House and Senate have different schedules and applicants need to inquire about the particulars of each. Applicants must be between the ages of 12 and 18.
For more information about the page programs, visit the Oregon Legislature website at and follow the link under “Citizen Engagement.”