Tuesday, Jan. 29 Oregon prep basketball results

Here are Tuesday’s Oregon high school basketball scores, compiled by The Associated Press:
Amity 59, Scio 43
Arlington 58, Ione 52
Ashland 67, Eagle Point 40
Bandon 67, Reedsport 42
Beaverton 53, Southridge 32
Benson 69, Wilson 41
Brookings-Harbor 91, Douglas 39
Central Catholic 73, Barlow 71
Central Linn 63, Jefferson 46
Chemawa 59, Delphian High School 46
Churchill 49, Thurston 45
City Christian 82, Gaston 71
Clackamas 66, Centennial 64
Columbia Christian 84, Neah-Kah-Nie 46
Condon/Wheeler 64, Mitchell/Spray 30
Corvallis 63, North Salem 60
Country Christian 40, St. Stephens Academy 29
Crane 65, Prairie City 55
Crescent Valley 63, West Albany 51
Crosshill Christian 69, Perrydale 64
Dallas 47, Lebanon 41, OT
Damascus Christian 74, Portland Waldorf 31
Days Creek 47, North Douglas 39
Dayton 68, Blanchet Catholic 43
De La Salle 49, Catlin Gabel 42
East Linn Christian 51, Lowell 44
Estacada 89, Madras 83
Gladstone 52, Molalla 32
Grand View Christian 67, Southwest Christian 36
Grant 77, Cleveland 55
Grants Pass 52, Roseburg 46
Gresham 70, Reynolds 53
Harrisburg 48, Creswell 37
Hosanna Christian 61, Triad School 49
Jefferson PDX 98, Madison 51
Jesuit 60, Westview 44
Joseph 62, Cove 34
Kamiakin, Wash. 47, Hermiston 41
Knappa 66, Faith Bible 43
La Salle 81, St. Helens 50
Lake Oswego 57, West Linn 51
Life Christian 51, Valor Christian 37
Lost River 53, Lakeview 39
Marshfield 55, Marist 49
McKenzie 62, Mapleton 37
McLoughlin 59, Touchet, Wash. 35
Milwaukie 50, Hillsboro 42
Mohawk 41, Eddyville 40
Monroe 77, Regis 68
Mountainside 61, Aloha 59
N. Clackamas Christian 67, Open Door 52
North Eugene 61, North Bend 53
North Lake 52, Paisley 41
North Marion 59, Corbett 57
Nyssa 58, Ontario 45
Oakland 74, Oakridge 55
Pleasant Hill 50, Santiam Christian 41
Putnam 57, Scappoose 34
Rainier 48, Willamina 46
Riddle 75, Glendale 26
Rogue Valley Adventist 48, Prospect 29
Roosevelt 71, Lincoln 67
Salem Academy 77, Yamhill-Carlton 49
Seaside 60, Banks 51
Sheldon 63, South Eugene 46
Sherman 70, Horizon Christian Hood River 56
Siletz Valley 45, Crow 24
Silverton 54, Central 43
Sisters 58, Newport 52, OT
South Albany 86, Ridgeview 59
St. Mary’s 75, South Umpqua 56
St. Paul 69, Oregon School for Deaf 15
Stanfield 53, Echo 42
Sutherlin 40, Cascade Christian 37
Taft 47, Warrenton 33
The Dalles 71, Goldendale, Wash. 70
Tigard 44, Oregon City 41
Toledo 67, Coquille 53
Trinity Lutheran 64, Central Christian 36
Tualatin 78, Lakeridge 43
Umpqua Valley Christian 68, Yoncalla 42
Valley Catholic 51, Tillamook 27
Vernonia 47, Nestucca 38
Waldport 62, Myrtle Point 42
Willamette 36, Springfield 24
Willamette Valley Christian 50, Falls City 46
Wilsonville 70, Parkrose 60
Woodburn 74, Sweet Home 40
Alsea 41, Triangle Lake 25
Amity 56, Scio 27
Ashland 51, Eagle Point 41
Banks 50, Seaside 37
Benson 68, Wilson 25
Blanchet Catholic 61, Dayton 29
Bonanza 45, Canyonville Christian 14
Brookings-Harbor 52, Douglas 48, 2OT
Canby 48, St. Mary’s Academy 45
Centennial 42, Clackamas 38
Central Catholic 57, Barlow 46
Central Linn 55, Jefferson 28
Churchill 50, Thurston 31
Coquille 42, Toledo 30
Country Christian 44, St. Stephens Academy 24
Crane 57, Prairie City 22
Crescent Valley 55, West Albany 37
Damascus Christian 64, Portland Waldorf 10
De La Salle 38, Catlin Gabel 27
Faith Bible 69, Knappa 36
Grant 39, Cleveland 31
Grants Pass 73, Roseburg 29
Harrisburg 31, Creswell 13
Hosanna Christian 41, Triad School 19
Illinois Valley 49, Butte Falls/Crater Lake Charter 24
Ione 44, Arlington 23
Jefferson PDX 43, Madison 38
Jesuit 39, Westview 37
Joseph 57, Cove 31
Kamiakin, Wash. 47, Hermiston 41
La Salle 80, St. Helens 36
Lebanon 61, Dallas 39
Lowell 38, East Linn Christian 34
Madras 54, Estacada 24
Marshfield 56, Marist 39
McKenzie 65, Mapleton 27
Milwaukie 68, Hillsboro 67, 2OT
Mitchell/Spray 31, Condon/Wheeler 28
Molalla 49, Gladstone 42
Monroe 55, Regis 23
Mountainside 52, Aloha 33
Myrtle Point 39, Waldport 35
Neah-Kah-Nie 38, Columbia Christian 23
Newport 49, Sisters 30
North Bend 53, North Eugene 38
North Douglas 50, Days Creek 28
North Marion 68, Corbett 20
North Salem 45, Corvallis 40
North Valley 55, Klamath 47
Nyssa 58, Ontario 45
Oakland 48, Oakridge 23
Pacific 27, Camas Valley 23
Paisley 35, North Lake 25
Pendleton 53, La Grande 47, OT
Perrydale 52, Crosshill Christian 11
Pleasant Hill 37, Santiam Christian 31
Reedsport 51, Bandon 25
Reynolds 49, Gresham 37
Roosevelt 50, Lincoln 30
Salem Academy 58, Yamhill-Carlton 43
Sheldon 58, South Eugene 33
Silverton 41, Central 21
South Medford 76, North Medford 30
South Wasco County 50, Dufur 30
Southridge 43, Beaverton 26
Southwest Christian 44, Grand View Christian 28
Springfield 59, Willamette 45
St. Mary’s 56, South Umpqua 49
St. Paul 58, Oregon School for Deaf 12
Stanfield 43, Echo 34
Stayton 46, Philomath 36
Sutherlin 46, Cascade Christian 45
The Dalles 56, Goldendale, Wash. 30
Tigard 59, Oregon City 45
Touchet, Wash. 48, McLoughlin 39
Tualatin 65, Lakeridge 38
Valley Catholic 50, Tillamook 40
Vernonia 44, Nestucca 41
Warrenton 72, Taft 17
West Linn 61, Lake Oswego 42
Willamette Valley Christian 53, Falls City 27
Willamina 41, Rainier 23
Wilsonville 70, Parkrose 42
Woodburn 54, Sweet Home 39
Some high school basketball scores provided by Scorestream.com, https://scorestream.com/