90 new La Pine, Sisters affordable housing units already full

(Update: Adding two Bend Area Habitat for Humanity projects)
Housing Works will celebrate the grand opening Friday of two new affordable housing projects, in La Pine and Sisters, with all 90 units at the two locations already leased and occupied. The organization also announced Monday it has secured state funding for two more projects, in Redmond and Madras.
On Friday at 10 a.m., Housing Works staff will gather with partners, sponsors, government representatives and community members to celebrate the grand opening of Ponderosa Heights in Sisters. A similar ceremony is planned at 2 p.m. for Hawks View Estates in La Pine.
The grand opening events will include speakers from state and local governments and financial partners. After a ceremonial ribbon-cutting, guests will be invited to tour the property and enjoy light refreshments. Members of the public are welcome to attend both events.
Ponderosa Heights provides 48 affordable apartments with a mix of one-, two- and three-bedroom units. The new community is located on Brooks Camp Road, behind Ray’s Food Place. The affordable property is income-restricted to households making at or below 60 percent of the area median income, with rents starting at $620.
Hawks View Estates has 42 affordable apartments with a mix of one-, two- and three-bedroom units. It is located on Little Deschutes Lane, just north of Bi-Mart. The affordable property is income-restricted to households making at or below 60 percent of the area median income, with rents starting at $596.
Housing Works Executive Director David Brandt stated, “As the affordable housing crisis in Central Oregon broadens and deepens, the urgent need to provide affordable options in our smaller towns has become more compelling. These new homes will provide some relief for 42 low-income households in La Pine and 48 in Sisters that are struggling with rising rental costs.”
Ponderosa Heights, surrounded by mature Ponderosa pines, is made up of six two-story, craftsman-style buildings on 2 lots totaling 2.12 acres. The property includes a community room, play area and rental office. The waiting list for the property, managed by EPIC Property Management, is now closed, and all 48 apartments are leased up and occupied.
Hawks View Estates is made up of nine two-story, craftsman-style buildings on a 2.5-acre parcel. The property includes a community building with rental office, play area and landscaped courtyard. The waiting list for the property, managed by EPIC Property Management, is now closed, and all 42 apartments are leased up and occupied.
In addition to Housing Works, the development team for both communities included general contractor R&H Construction, architect Doug Circosta, investor PNC Real Estate, lender Washington Federal and property manager EPIC. They were constructed using funds from the Oregon Housing and Community Services LIFT Housing Program, 4% Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) and Housing Development Grant Program funds.
Deschutes County donated the land for Hawks View Estates, while a grant from the city of Sisters assisted at Ponderosa Heights.
Housing Works also announced Monday the funding of Red Canyon, an affordable, multi-family housing development in Redmond and Madras, through the Oregon Housing and Community Service Local Innovation and Fast Track (LIFT) Housing Program. A total of 90 affordable units are planned between the two development sites.
“Both Redmond and Madras desperately need more affordable housing,” Brandt said. “With vacancy rates still painfully low throughout Central Oregon and many renter households burdened by housing costs, these new communities will provide affordable homes to 90 low-income families. We are hopeful to have these new apartments completed by the fall of 2020.”
The current concept for the Redmond development will provide much-needed affordable housing for 67 low-income workforce households. The development site is located in an established, multi-family neighborhood and is less than a mile from elementary and middle schools, grocery stores, restaurants and other resources.
Housing Works plans to build a mix of one-, two- and three-bedroom units on approximately 3 acres near the intersection of Reindeer Avenue and Canal Boulevard in Redmond.
The development site in Madras is located on a parcel totaling 1.27 acres just north of the Madras commercial district and adjacent to Canyon East. The new community will consist of 23 two-bedroom apartments for low-income workforce households.
Both site plans include community rooms, fire pits, fitness trails, playgrounds, covered entries and decks, storage and ample parking. Housing Works said its “commitment to quality construction and resident services sets its properties apart from other multifamily properties in the region and supports the agency’s mission of ‘fostering dignity through housing.'”
As affordable properties, both communities will have rents well below market rates and will be income restricted to households at or below 60% of area median income.
This is the second competitive LIFT award that Housing Works has received from OHCS’s new affordable housing program. Housing Works recently leveraged $3.4 million in LIFT funds to build the Sisters and La Pine projects
Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) resources include LIFT program funds, 4% Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) and Oregon Affordable Housing Tax Credits (OAHTC).
Housing Works hopes to begin construction on both communities by fall. Build time is expected to be 12 months. Pre-leasing for the new apartment communities will begin about three months prior to completion, through EPIC Property Management.
OHCS announced Monday the award of $34.9 million to fund 466 new affordable housing units around the states through the LIFT housing program, which focuses on communities of color and rural communities.
“These awards will ensure more kids and families throughout the state have a decent, stable, affordable place to call home,” said Gov. Kate Brown, whose proposed budget includes $130 million to expand the LIFT program.
“The LIFT program is a critical tool in our work to ensure that every Oregonian, in communities large and small, has access to housing choices that allow them and their families to thrive,” Brown said. “I’ve called on legislative leaders to take the next step and increase investment in the LIFT program to create opportunities for more Oregon families.”
Each project in Monday’s statewide funding list includes a “cultural specific partnership.” At Red Canyon, Housing Works said it is partnering with the Latino Community Association, a community organization that connects Latino persons to various community services, for outreach. A housing navigator at LCA will be the first point of contact for potential renters.
The state funding list also includes more than $1 million for two Bend Area Habitat for Humanity projects, the Northwest Cottages (nine two- and three-bedroom homes near Newport Avenue and College Way) and Watercress (eight two- and three-bedroom homes near Ponderosa Elementary in northeast Bend).
Both are designed to be affordable for those living at or below 80% AMI, or about $56,000 a year for a family of four. Also, both will involve partnerships with the Latino Community Association, Deschutes Public Library, schools and faith communities for outreach.
The full list of LIFT awards is available online at: https://www.oregon.gov/ohcs/docs/04-05-2019-LIFT-Awards.pdf