Local Alert Weather, Tue. AM, 7-23-19
Good Tuesday Morning, Everyone…
More moisture moving in over some warm daytime highs will give us a 20-30% chance of more thunderstorms this afternoon and evening. Highs will reach the upper 80’s to low 90’s . NW winds will ramp up to 15 -25 mph this evening with gusts to 30 mph . A Fire Weather Warning is in place from 2 pm today through 5 am Wednesday. Partly cloudy tonight with lows in the 40’s and NW winds at 5 -15 mph .
We are expecting a sunny day Wednesday and a modest shift in the air flow will allow temperatures to cool into the low 80’s . It will be a brief reprieve from the heat, however. Highs for the remainder of the week will range from the mid 80’s to low 90’s . Skies are expected to stay sunny and clear through the weekend and into next week.
In the NewsChannel 21 Weather Center , I’m Bob Shaw…