ODOT Region 4 construction update: Week of Sept. 16
Here is ODOT’s weekly Region 4 construction update for the week of Sept. 16:
The Oregon Department of Transportation is committed to providing a safe, efficient transportation system. ODOT invests in Oregon’s future through roadway improvement projects. The following projects are located in ODOT’s Region 4 encompassing Central Oregon from The Dalles to Klamath Falls on the east side of the Cascades.
All work is dependent on weather conditions and schedules are subject to change.
Where traffic is routed through or around a work zone, pedestrians, including those with disabilities, will also be provided alternate routes through the work zone.
Crook County*
FFO – OR 126 @ Tom McCall Road (Prineville) Project, (Ochoco Highway MP 15.39 – 16.01) – Project is complete.
Deschutes County*
All Roads Transportation Safety (Various County Roads) – Project is complete.
Wheeler County*
US 26: Kahneeta Junction (Warm Springs MP 91.12 – MP 103.09) – No work is anticipated.
Sherman County*
US 97: Spanish Hollow Creek & Trout Creek Bridges
US 97 at MP 0.4 – MP 3.1 & MP 3.2 – MP 7.0 – All planned work for the week from Biggs Jct. to MP 7 on US 97 is occurring from off of the roadway. No anticipated lane closures or expected delays. US 97 at MP 74.9 – MP 75.18 – The contractor will be performing lane closures controlled by flaggers during daytime hours, Monday and Tuesday for asphalt pavement grinding and paving off the south end of the bridge near MP 75 on US 97. Expect less than 10 minute delays. US 97: Shaniko to Trout Creek (Sherman Highway; MP 56.72 – MP 74.9) – No work is anticipated.
Wasco County*
I-84: Traffic Barrier Upgrade Project (Columbia River Highway; MP 64 – MP 151.5) – The contractor will be installing protective bridge screening on the Heppner Highway O’xing of 1-84 (MP 147) during daytime hours Monday through Friday. 1 lane will be closed in each direction on 1-84 with minimal delays. 1 lane will also be closed on the Heppner Highway across the O’xing, controlled by flaggers. Anticipate less than 10 minute delays on the Heppner Highway.
I-84: Swanson Canyon – Arlington (Columbia River Highway; MP 125.5 – MP 137.78) – I-84 eastbound and westbound travel lanes will be placed into single lane configurations for both directions of traffic (crossover configuration) on the eastbound side of the freeway, separated by striped median and surface mounted tubular markers from MP 124.5 to MP 137. This configuration is scheduled to remain in place continuously through mid-October while the contractor performs paving on the westbound side of the freeway. Posted speed is reduced to 50 mph. Expect minimal delays due to lower travel speeds.
Region 4 ITS (Various) – The contractor will be performing corrective work on the shoulders of the on-ramps and off-ramps at the Brewery Grade Interchange at MP 85.00 on I-84. The contractor will be closing one ramp at a time Thursday night through Friday morning between the hours of 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. The contractor will also be performing minor corrective work at numerous locations. No impacts to traffic are anticipated at these locations.