Deschutes County Sheriff’s Employees Association ratifies new contract

BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- On March 9, the three-year union contract between the Deschutes County Sheriff Employee’s Association (DCSEA) and the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office was approved by the majority of the Deschutes County Commissioners. The contract was ratified by the DCSEA on Monday.
Here's the full news release from the sheriff's office, also quoting Shane Nelson and the president of the DCSEA:
Sheriff Nelson and the Employee Association came to an agreement in record time. They worked collaboratively together to reach an agreement. Both parties are pleased with the contract.
The approval of this contract was important for a number of reasons. The terms agreed to between the association and Sheriff Nelson helps the Sheriff’s Office recruit and retain the right people for the Sheriff’s Office. Part of this contract gives sworn personnel a 2% increase in pay and non-sworn personnel an additional step that will increase their pay based on their years of service.
Included in the contract is the benefit of medical insurance after 25 years of service with the Sheriff’s Office if the employee is in a sworn deputy position and eligible to retire in PERS. Currently Deschutes County offers this benefit to all Deschutes County employees after 30 years of service. The employee is covered by this medical insurance until they are eligible for Medicare.
In the last 3 years, The Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office has hired 15 certified law enforcement officers to become deputies from law enforcement agencies locally as well as from across the country. These deputies bring significant law-enforcement experience to our Team. DCSO has 259 positions 193 of them are sworn positions.
Our goal is to fill each of those positions with the best people possible and take care of them so we can keep them as members of the Sheriff’s Office throughout their law enforcement career. This contract puts DCSO in the position to retain the professionals we hire and not lose them to other law enforcement agencies that are offering large hiring bonuses to certified law enforcement officers.
Sheriff Shane Nelson: “It is imperative to do the right thing and ensure we take care of our Teammates, so they in turn take care of our community. This contract is crucial to ensuring we attract, hire, and retain the best professionals.”
“The Deschutes County Sheriff Employee’s Association (DCSEA) would like to thank the Board of County Commissioners for approving the newest collective bargaining agreement. Additionally, we would like to thank Sheriff Shane Nelson for supporting this agreement and recognizing the need to retain and recruit the very best.
"The Deschutes County Sheriff Employee’s Association is an association with 181 members of the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office. DCSEA represents deputies, technicians, mechanics, maintenance, nurses and records staff. “ Chris Erhardt, President, DCSEA
The Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office is a full service agency that oversees the adult jail, provides patrol, criminal investigations, civil process and search and rescue operations. Special units include SWAT, Marine Patrol, ATV Patrol, Forest Patrol, along with five K9 teams. Founded in 1916 and today led by your duly elected Sheriff L. Shane Nelson, the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office serves over 200,000 residents in Deschutes County. The agency has 259 authorized and funded personnel, which includes 193 sworn employees who provide services to the 3,055 square miles of Deschutes County.