City of Bend road and traffic report: Week of July 13-19

For the Week of July 13 – 19:
- NW Newport Avenue between NW Wall Street and NW Drake Road for infrastructure installation, single lane closure with flagging, work begins 7/13/20
- NE Butler Market Road east of NE Eagle Road for a home transport, flagging will be implemented in the process, 7/13/20, 10 - 11p.m.
Ongoing Closures:
- Intersection of SE Centennial Street and SE Roosevelt Avenue for curb ramps and median island construction, intersection closure with detours, 6/29/20 - 7/17/20, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- NE 27th Street between NE Butler Market Road and Jill Avenue for roadwork related to roundabout construction, full road closure with detour, 4/13/20 - 7/27/20
- SE 15th Street between Knott Road and the new collector road for infrastructure installation, full road closure, through 7/31/20
- NE Alden Avenue between NE 6th Street and NE 5th Street for infrastructure installation, full road closure, 7/3/20 - 8/3/20, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- Craven Road between SE Karena Court and Bear Creek Road for infrastructure installation, full road closure, 7/8/20 - 8/24/20, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- NE Bear Creek Road between SE Cessna Drive and NE Alpenview Lane for infrastructure installation, single lane closure with flagging, 7/8/20 - 8/24/20, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- NE Butler Market Road between Deschutes Market Road and Eagle Road for roundabout construction, full road closure with detour, 4/3/20 - 8/28/20
- SE Deschutes Market Road between NE Butler Market Road and Monticello Drive for roundabout construction, full road closure with detour, 4/13/20 - 8/28/20
- Murphy Road between Brown Trout Place and Country Club Drive for roadwork related to Murphy Corridor Project, road closed for westbound traffic with a detour posted and the bypass road allowing eastbound traffic, 6/11/20 - 8/31/20
- SE Knott Road between Brosterhous Road and SE Raintree Drive for construction of a new roundabout at Knott Road and 15th Street intersection, bypass road with local access to Tekampe Road, 3/16/20 - 9/4/20
- NE Butler Market Road between NE 27th Street and NE Marys Grace Lane for roundabout construction, full road closure with detour, 4/13/20 - 9/30/20
- 15thStreet, between Reed Market Road and Ferguson Road, for infrastructure installation on the Neighborhood Extension Project, full road closure with detour, 7/9/20 – 9/30/20
- NW Tin Pan Alley between NW Minnesota Avenue and NE Franklin Avenue for seating accommodations related to COVID-19, daily full alley closure, 6/18/20 - 10/1/20, 3 p.m. – 1 a.m.
- Northwest Crossing Farmer’s Market, every Saturday from 6/20/20 – 10/17/20, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. The following streets will be closed:
- Fort Clatsop Street between Ordway Avenue and John Freemont Street
- John Freemont Street between Fort Clatsop Street and Ordway Avenue
Work schedules are dependent on weather conditions and other factors.
Contact: Kyle Thomas, Construction Manager
For Street Preservation related questions: Paul Neiswonger, Streets Supervisor
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