Renovated Goodwill in Bend celebrates grand reopening; new classroom addition offers variety of courses
(Update: Adding video, comments from Goodwill)
BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- There are some new educational opportunities at Bend's Goodwill. Bend's newly refreshed Goodwill store has more than bargain clothing, furniture and books. You can now also take classes designed to help people achieve personal and professional goals.
"We've always had our job connection offices, and now we're offering our career center also as a nice match to be able to really prepare an individual for getting trained and finding employment in a community, " Director of Vocational Services David Miller said Thursday.
There are classes for all ages in Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, and computer basics.
Bend resident Hanz Neitzel signed up for the critical thinking and problem-solving course.
"It was a really beneficial course, because it really does apply to everything that you do in life," Neitzel said.
Goodwill also offers assistance for those looking to become U.S. citizens.
Miller said, "They can come here and take test and prepare to take the U.S. test that they have to pass in order to become a U.S. citizen."
Also, their instructor is certified to teach English as a second language classes. The new educational additions to the re-imagined Goodwill are free and much appreciated by students who already have seen their impact.
Neitzel added, "You know, just a lot of the ideas that were in the course -- it's really beneficial to solving problems."
At the Goodwill in Bend, the inside of the store was completely renovated. All the signage is new, along with the carpet, flooring and lighting, and outside, there are new concrete sidewalks.