Oregon reports 1 new COVID-19 death, 190 more cases

PORTLAND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- COVID-19 has claimed one more life in Oregon, raising the state’s death toll to 481, the Oregon Health Authority reported Sunday.
OHA also reported 190 new confirmed and presumptive cases of COVID-19 as of 12:01 a.m. Sunday, bringing the state total to 28,044 cases, along with 557,381 negative test results.
The new cases reported Sunday are in the following counties: Benton (3), Clackamas (18), Columbia (1), Curry (1), Deschutes (3), Jackson (13), Jefferson (1), Lane (14), Linn (2), Malheur (8), Marion (30), Morrow (1), Multnomah (50), Polk (3), Umatilla (14), Wasco (3), Washington (23), and Yamhill (2).
Oregon’s 481st COVID-19 death is an 89-year-old man in Lane County who tested positive on August 27 and died on September 5, in his residence. He had underlying conditions.
Note: Tomorrow, Monday, Sept. 7, OHA will publish its daily media release and newsletter but will not tally the Labor Day weekend totals until Tuesday, Sept. 8.
See table below for total cases, deaths, and negative tests by county.
County | Cases 1 | Total deaths 2 | Negative tests 3 |
Baker | 77 | 2 | 1405 |
Benton | 226 | 6 | 11085 |
Clackamas | 2063 | 58 | 53425 |
Clatsop | 97 | 0 | 4984 |
Columbia | 135 | 1 | 6134 |
Coos | 126 | 0 | 5726 |
Crook | 57 | 1 | 2342 |
Curry | 23 | 0 | 1438 |
Deschutes | 703 | 11 | 25451 |
Douglas | 180 | 3 | 11022 |
Gilliam | 4 | 0 | 250 |
Grant | 8 | 0 | 789 |
Harney | 12 | 0 | 726 |
Hood River | 238 | 0 | 4565 |
Jackson | 895 | 3 | 25518 |
Jefferson | 471 | 7 | 4313 |
Josephine | 171 | 2 | 9592 |
Klamath | 236 | 2 | 9244 |
Lake | 30 | 0 | 765 |
Lane | 789 | 7 | 55366 |
Lincoln | 469 | 13 | 8028 |
Linn | 401 | 13 | 14369 |
Malheur | 1288 | 20 | 4463 |
Marion | 4043 | 82 | 42091 |
Morrow | 455 | 3 | 1564 |
Multnomah | 6273 | 124 | 124898 |
Polk | 448 | 15 | 7696 |
Sherman | 18 | 0 | 318 |
Tillamook | 42 | 0 | 2715 |
Umatilla | 2781 | 39 | 12048 |
Union | 423 | 2 | 3042 |
Wallowa | 23 | 1 | 867 |
Wasco | 222 | 3 | 4456 |
Washington | 3953 | 49 | 81405 |
Wheeler | 0 | 0 | 156 |
Yamhill | 664 | 14 | 15125 |
Total | 28,044 | 481 | 557,381 |
1 This includes cases confirmed by diagnostic testing and presumptive cases. Presumptive cases are those without a positive diagnostic test who present COVID-19-like symptoms and had close contact with a confirmed case. County of residence for cases may change as new information becomes available. If changes occur, we will update our counts accordingly.
2 For additional details on individuals who have died from COVID-19 in Oregon, please refer to our press releases.
3 This includes cases who test negative and are not epi-linked to a confirmed case.
Stay informed about COVID-19:
Oregon response: The Oregon Health Authority and Oregon Office of Emergency Management lead the state response.
United States response: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention leads the U.S. response.
Global response: The World Health Organization guides the global response.