ODOT plans Terrebonne open house Thursday
TERREBONNE, Ore. (KTVZ) -- Highway designers from the Oregon Department of Transportation are inviting the public to an open house Thursday evening to again discuss proposed safety improvements to U.S. Highway 97 through Terrebonne, after Deschutes County commissioners declined to approve a disputed couplet proposal.
"This is a continuation of several opportunities for local residents, motorists and others to let ODOT know what they think of the proposed improvements," the agency said Wednesday.
ODOT said it's "considering moving northbound traffic through Terrebonne onto a different two-lane route, and creating a two-lane southbound route to relieve traffic pressure through the community. An additional improvement would create an easier access to and from Lower Bridge Way and the Crooked River Ranch area."
The open house is scheduled for Thursday at the Terrebonne Community School. Doors will open at 6 p.m. and the presentation will start at 6:15. The open house portion begins at 6:45 p.m.
Accommodations will be provided to people with disabilities. Please contact Alia Burck at 541-388-6037, or alia.burck@odot.statde.or.us.