Tumalo-area power outage leaves 2,100 Central Electric Co-Op members in the dark for 3 hours; Bend Costco, too

(Update: Cause found, power restored)
TUMALO, Ore. (KTVZ) – A power outage in the Tumalo area hit 2,100 Central Electric Cooperative members for about three hours Tuesday afternoon and extended into the Bend area as well, leaving the new Costco warehouse store in the dark.
CEC Vice President of Member and Public Relations Brent Ten Pas told KTVZ news that crews looking for the cause of the outage discovered a broken arm on a transmission pole.
Power was restored by 4:15 p.m., about three hours after it began
A Costco shopper indicated new customers were not being allowed in during the outage, and those inside when it went dark were being checked out. A worker said after about an hour without power, some employees were being sent home around 2 p.m., but a worker later confirmed after power was restored they were open for business as usual.
You can check the latest CEC outage map here.