Bend council creates Environment and Climate Committee, seeks applicants

BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- Bend city councilors Wednesday evening voted to establish the Environment and Climate Committee. The committee’s primary focus is to provide input and recommendations to the City Council on topics related to environmental stewardship and to oversee implementation of the Community Climate Action Plan, adopted in December.
This permanent committee will have expertise and focus on natural resources and can help fulfill current and future Council goals and projects related to the environment, and provide a resource to Council when relevant community issues arise. The Environment and Climate Committee will:
· Develop recommendations for and oversee implementation of the Community Climate Action Plan;
· Provide input and participate in the City’s review and development of plans, ordinances, actions and policies related to the City’s role as a steward of natural resources;
· Provide advisory input to the City Council during Council goal setting and budgeting processes; and
· Provide input on adopted Council goals are they relate to natural resources and the environment.
The application process for community members to apply to be on the committee is now open.
The city is looking for interested community members to fill nine appointments on the Environment and Climate Committee. The initial terms will be either two years or four years, with subsequent terms being four years.
The Advisory Committee application is available at Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Friday, July 31.
For questions on serving on the Environment and Climate Committee, please contact Cassie Lacy at 541-323-8587 or
Information about the committee is available at