BLM seeks input on Redmond’s plan to lease 620 acres for wastewater treatment expansion, wetlands

PRINEVILLE, Ore. (KTVZ) — The Bureau of Land Management is offering people the opportunity to provide input on the City of Redmond’s request to lease about 620 acres of BLM public lands for a wastewater treatment expansion and wetlands complex.
The lease would accommodate expanding the City's wastewater treatment facility and associated wetland complex. The 30-day public scoping period started Wednesday and lasts through Dec. 30.
The wastewater treatment facility is at the north end of Dry Canyon in Deschutes County. The lease covers approximately 620 acres and would be leased under the Recreation and Public Purposes Act (Act) of 1954. The city is proposing the expansion to support the projected long-term growth of the community. The proposed facilities would be located on both city-owned and leased BLM public lands.
People are invited to provide comments on the proposal during the public scoping period. Comments will help identify alternatives, refine the proposal, and identify issues. The BLM will conduct an environmental assessment of the city’s proposal to disclose potential environmental consequences.
All comments must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. on Dec. 30, 2022, to be considered. Written comments will be accepted at the address below or can be emailed to Please refer to Redmond Wetlands Complex Project.
Deschutes Field Office
Deschutes Field Manager
3050 NE 3rd Street 491
Prineville, OR 97754
Please be aware entire comments, including personal identifying information, may be made publicly available. People can ask to withhold personal identifying information from public review; however, it cannot be guaranteed.
For additional information about the expansion request, wastewater treatment facility, or associated wetland complex, please visit the City of Redmond’s website at For additional information regarding BLM analysis, please contact Ferris Couture, BLM Planning and Environmental Coordinator at (541) 416-6711.
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