Bend-La Pine Schools assure families about privacy policy, keep no records of students’ immigration status

BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- Bend-La Pine Schools provided KTVZ News with an email sent home to all students' families due to numerous inquiries about its policies on dealing with immigration issues amid detentions happening nationwide.
Here is that message, in full:
Bend-La Pine Schools community,
During the transition our community and country are experiencing right now, we know you may be facing uncertainty. We are receiving many inquiries about what the changes mean for Bend-La Pine Schools. We are working with our state and federal partners to seek clarity and answers on the changes that apply to school districts.
We know transitions like these can have a real impact on your life. What impacts you matters to us. We all work and learn best when experiencing a sense of safety and belonging.
That’s why Bend-La Pine Schools remains committed to the well-being of our community. We believe this begins by honoring the dignity and value of each student, family, and staff member in our workplace and learning community.
As we navigate change together, here are continued commitments you can expect from us:
Employees will adhere to laws protecting the privacy of all students’ educational records, unless there is parent/guardian permission or legal authorization such as a court order releasing the information.
In accordance with legal authority, employees shall not ask about or maintain records pertaining to the immigration status of any student, or of the families of students or employees.
Employees shall not permit access to school property or to students for immigration enforcement, without parent/guardian permission or legal authorization such as a court order.
Bend-La Pine Schools does not currently, and will not in the future, tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying, or related behavior. You have the right to engage with our schools without experiencing discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender, race, disability, family income, religion, national origin, or the many other important parts of your identity.
We remain committed to swift response to, and improved prevention of, violations of related laws and policies. See our complete list of policies for details.
Bend-La Pine Schools’ stance has not changed: Each and every member of our learning community is valuable and contributes to our mission of high-quality teaching and learning. We will continue working to ensure students and staff feel a sense of safety, dignity, and belonging while at school or work, so that each student achieves academic success, experiences wellness, and develops a passion, purpose, and plan for their future. Have questions? Want to learn more? Engage with us.
Bend-La Pine Schools