Public invited to Jefferson County Forestland Classification Committee meeting
MADRAS, Ore. (KTVZ) – The Jefferson County Forestland Classification Committee will meet Friday, January 6 at 1 p.m. at the Jefferson County Fire Station, 65 S. 5th Street in Madras.
During the committee meeting, the emphasis will be developing a timeline and process for committee work, establishing by-laws, and electing committee leadership. The meeting is open to the general public, with an opportunity to address the committee regarding forestland classification during the meeting.
Forestland classification is a statutorily required action for determining forestland under Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 526. The Jefferson County Forestland Classification Committee will develop criteria used to identify forestland within Oregon Department of Forestry’s Forest Protection Boundary in Jefferson County, then subsequently classify these lands as Class 2 or Class 3 forestland.
Class 2 forestland includes forestland suitable for the joint use of timber production and grazing of livestock, while Class 3 forestland includes forestland suitable for the grazing of livestock and other agricultural uses. Either classification may include lands with structures present.
Lands which are determined to be Class 2 or Class 3 will be provided wildland fire protection by Oregon Department of Forestry’s Central Oregon District and will be subject to forest patrol assessment on their tax statement.
It has been more than 50 years since the forestland classification for Jefferson County has been updated. “Over the last five decades the landscape has changed, the vegetation has changed, and fire behavior has changed”, explains Ben Duda, Unit Forester for ODF’s Central Oregon District. “The committee’s work will improve the accuracy and equity for wildfire protection provided by the Department of Forestry.”
Modern technology will allow the committee to use data such as digital images of the county and existing vegetation, soil survey maps, and rainfall information to determine how to classify the lands as well as field visits to verify the criteria.
Committee Membership as required by ORS 526.310:
Diane Burkeen (member-at-large)—Appointed by Jefferson County
Tom Norton (grazing representative)—Appointed by Jefferson County
Ryan Wolfenbarger (timber representative)—Appointed by Jefferson County
Ariel Cowan—Appointed by Oregon State University Extension Director
Chief Don Colfels—Appointed by Oregon State Fire Marshal
Ben Duda—Appointed by Oregon State Forester