OLCC inspectors say most bars, restaurants complying; 15 cases referred to OSHA

PORTLAND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- Results from a second round of weekend compliance checks of Oregon bars and restaurants show most followed required social distancing and face covering guidelines. the Oregon Liquor Control Commission reported Friday.
OLCC inspectors checked 1,428 OLCC alcohol licensees from Friday, July 10 to Sunday, July 12.
These checks follow the 800 inspections OLCC conducted across Oregon during the 4th of July holiday weekend. Those three days of inspections launched an enhanced statewide effort to encourage alcohol licensees to do their part to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus by operating with proper physical distancing and ensuring that staff and customers were wearing face coverings.
Last weekend, OLCC inspectors issued verbal instructions to comply with social distancing and face covering guidelines to 81 bars and restaurants, which is less than six percent of the alcohol licensees inspected. The OLCC has also sent 15 incident reports to Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration for actions against OLCC licensees willfully choosing not to follow the guidelines. Still, that’s just one percent of the licensed establishments OLCC inspectors checked.
“It’s unbelievable that a sliver of the hospitality industry is putting at risk everyone’s reopening economic investment,” said Steve Marks, OLCC executive director. “It’s a shame that so many businesses in that industry are doing their all to protect employees and customers and just a few are gambling with everyone else’s health and livelihood.”
OLCC, based on its compliance checks, has referred 15 cases to Oregon OSHA for further evaluation. Those cases are in addition to nine OLCC previously referred to Oregon OSHA.
OLCC inspectors will continue to make regular weekend checks of bars and restaurants looking for violations of Oregon alcohol laws and OLCC rules, and will also maintain their monitoring of businesses to see if they’re meeting social distancing and face covering requirements.
The hospitality industry is reinforcing the importance for bar and restaurant employees and customers to wear face coverings and maintain physical distancing, not just to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, but also to help the hospitality and tourism industries try to survive.
“It’s the responsibility of everyone in this industry to take ownership for themselves, their employees and their customers to follow these guidelines,” said Jason Brandt, president and cEO of the Oregon Restaurant and Lodging Association. “It’s taken a lot of effort by the industry and its partners, including the OLCC, to help hospitality businesses reopen to a portion of the demand they once enjoyed in an effort to save their livelihoods.”
Similar sentiments were shared by Roger Nyquist, an OLCC licensee who owns the Lakeshore Lanes Bowling Alley in Albany. "In order for the hospitality industry to recover, people need to know it is safe to come back to our licensed facilities,” said Nyquist. “The implementation of the requirement to wear masks is an important component of gaining that confidence with the public.”
Nyquist, who also serves as chair of the Linn County Commission, says the impact on “Main Street” businesses makes universal compliance essential.
“In the last two weeks, the OLCC staff has done an outstanding job working with establishments to ensure that everyone is following the rules,” said Nyquist. “OLCC field representatives will continue to be an important resource to the industry as we work toward a full economic recovery while ensuring the public’s safety."