Storm brings heavy rain, hail and high water in Prineville; no serious flooding issues reported
Stormy weather also reported in Sisters area; lightning sparks a few new fires
PRINEVILLE, Ore. (KTVZ) – Heavy rain and hail hit the Prineville and Sisters areas as thunderstorms moved through parts of the High Desert on Monday evening, putting a few feet of water over some highways, residents and storm spotters said.
The National Weather Service reported in a special weather statement around 7:15 p.m. that a strong, nearly stationary thunderstorm was parked over Prineville. Pea- to dime-sized hail was reported by members of the public, social media reports and trained NWS spotters.
Crook County Sheriff John Gautney told NewsChannel 21 later that while there was a Prineville Police report of a minor mudslide and high water, the sheriff’s office had not been contacted in regards to any flooding issues.
Meanwhile, Central Oregon fire managers said firefighters responded to a handful of new, small fire starts as the thunderstorms moved through the region Monday evening, including two trees burning near Cline Buttes and about seven acres burning in the Ashwood-Antelope area.