Bethlehem Inn to host ribbon-cutting Friday at new Redmond shelter

BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- Bethlehem Inn announced Thursday that the Redmond Chamber of Commerce will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Friday at 1 p.m. at the Inn’s new Redmond shelter, located at 517 NW Birch Avenue.
The ceremony will celebrate the completion of the Inn’s 18-month renovation of the 1960’s motel and will mark the launch of its emergency shelter services in Redmond.
The partnership with the State of Oregon and funding support from OCF/Project Turnkey, Deschutes County, Oregon Housing and Community Services, the City of Redmond and local donors will enable the Inn to begin providing emergency shelter for up to 88 adults nightly. SunWest Builders and BLRB Architects teamed together to build a lasting facility that will meet the need for these vital services for many years to come.
Executive Director Gwenn Wysling expressed gratitude to the support from these key partners and its donors in support of the Inn’s goal of expanding its services.
“Bethlehem Inn has been serving the region’s situationally homeless population with emergency shelter services for over 20 years," she said. "The pandemic has prolonged economic challenges in a region, where even people who have jobs often struggle to find and keep affordable housing. We are very grateful to the community for giving us the opportunity to serve this vulnerable population.”
Bethlehem Inn is Central Oregon’s largest emergency shelter; providing temporary housing, food, safety and case management services for up to 200 adults and children each night. To learn more about Bethlehem Inn, visit Follow us on Facebook/BethlehemInnCentral Oregon or Instagram. Donations may be mailed to: Bethlehem Inn, P.O. Box 8540, Bend, OR 97708.