City of Redmond holding open house for community input on West Redmond Area Plan
REDMOND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- On Thursday, April 13, city planners will host a West Redmond Area Plan Open House in the commons of Redmond High School starting at 6:00 p.m. Doors will open at 5:45 p.m.
The community is invited to attend and participate in modelling and visioning exercises that will shape and inform the upcoming planning efforts for west Redmond. Attendees are encouraged to share their ideas for how the city should grow. Activities will be kid-inclusive, food and refreshments will be provided.
An online meeting option is available for those who are unable to attend in person. Please visit for the meeting link and details.
In 2006, the city expanded the urban growth boundary to accommodate the planned growth that we are experiencing today. The West Redmond Area is approximately 440 acres in size and is located within the UGB between 35th Street, NW Hemlock Avenue, Helmholtz Way, and SW Obsidian Avenue.
This area, while not yet in city limits, has many interconnected needs and immense potential. The WRAP will coordinate this area’s unique challenges with the community’s wants and provide guidance for future development.
This WRAP Open House marks the beginning of the outreach process, slated to run through July. To learn more about future WRAP events and updates, visit the project webpage at