Planned Redmond road closure and delays update: Week of Sept. 23-29

REDMOND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- Here is the city of Redmond's planned road closures and delays for the week of Sept. 23-29.
City of Redmond road closures can be viewed on the Redmond Area Street Closures, Events and Delays Map and ODOT TripCheck.
- SW 6th St. between Glacier & Forrest Ave. – one-lane closure Friday, September 15 through Thursday, September 28
Extend Water service to building. Contractor is Tim Barrier at (541) 815-2974
- Ochoco Highway (126) near intersection of SE Ochoco Way – Reduced speed on Highway 126 and Partial lane closure On Ochoco Way September 8 – September 29, Oasis Village Utility
- Thermoplastic installation as weather permits; activities may temporarily disrupt lanes and intersections around the city. This is currently taking place at night from 7pm to 4:30am. Please exercise caution during temporary lane closures.
- Asphalt crack seal operations will be occurring throughout the city as weather permits; activities may temporarily disrupt lanes and intersections.
- Paving on SE Sisters Ave and SE 10th St ; activities may temporarily disrupt lanes and intersections Flaggers and lane closures will be in place 7am to 5pm use alt routes.
- Paving on SW Helmholtz from SW Quartz Ave to SW 45th St activities may temporarily disrupt lanes and intersections. Flaggers and lane closures will be in place from 7am to 5pm use alt routes.
NOTE - During street maintenance operations, closure durations and disruptions are determined by progress of the operation and weather conditions.
Your Tax Dollars at Work: City of Redmond invests $1.5 million annually to keep Redmond’s streets smooth, clean, and safe.
For more information and/or updates on planned road closures and delays, please visit us online at If you have questions, contact us at or call 541-504-2000.