Redmond City Council holds hearings on marijuana regulations, discusses adding photo radar, red-light cameras
(update: adding video and additional information from meeting)
REDMOND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- At Tuesday night’s meeting, the Redmond City Council held the first of several public hearings to consider three ordinances related to marijuana dispensaries.
The first proposed measure includes ordinance #2025-02, enacting a 3% sales tax on marijuana products.
The second ordinance is establishing time, place, and manner – also known as TPM regulations, to govern the siting and operations of dispensaries.
Mayor Ed Fitch told KTVZ News: “We have a plan right now for a time, place, manner, and we're going to refer to the Planning Commission to work out the specific language for that, and if they have something different ideas that might work, that'd be great and we’ll participate. That'll come back in late March or early April.”
Mayor Fitch says once all of the details have been worked out, residents will see the first dispensary in Redmond by May.
Residents and businesses spoke to both sides of the issue.
High school student Tatum Peterson said, “I also feel like you don't have a great way to control it when you have high schoolers going in, want to buy some, and you don't have someone there – it takes one person, you just go, 'Yeah, here you go,' and buy it. I just feel like there's a lot of problems.”
Substance Founder Jeremy Kwit says it’s all love.
“We see everybody from hobos to CEOs, and all of them have cannabis in common, and ultimately, Substance is the essence of all things. It's that common thread that unites all of us.”
After hearing from a number of community members, the city council decided to defer any readings of the ordinances relating to marijuana dispensaries, as well as discussion concerning marijuana business licenses, all scheduled for discussion on March 25th.
In addition to the marijuana-related ordinances, the council deliberated on implementing photo radar and red-light cameras to enhance traffic safety. These technologies aim to address high-traffic problem areas by deterring dangerous driving behaviors, said Redmond Police Chief, Devin Lewis:
“Traffic safety, traffic enforcement, traffic complaints. Those are our No. 1 calls for service. That's the No. 1 complaint we hear from citizens when the city does their survey. And so, we've tried internally through the department to prioritize traffic stops and proactive traffic enforcement, and we've been doing those things. But it's just not enough, and so, we've been able to look at other cities that have photo enforcement, and we believe that's going to be an efficient and safe tool we can use," continued Lewis.
Chief Lewis said the photo radar and red-light cameras program will be paid for through any sort of fee or percentage, based on how the contract is structured. The chief said the program would also be a net-cost of zero to start and maintain.
Redmond residents are encouraged to provide feedback at future council meetings, held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month.
Written comments can be submitted via email to
The Redmond City Council on Tuesday evening holds the first of several public hearings to consider three separate ordinances relating to marijuana dispensaries and also considers adding photo radar and "red light cameras" to enforce traffic safety.
Tracee Tuesday will be in Redmond for the council meeting. Her report airs on KTVZ News at 10 p.m. on Fox and at 11 p.m. on NBC.
Redmond voters passed two measures last November to allow marijuana dispensaries to add a 3% tax on all goods.
An ordinance that would enact a 3% marijuana sales tax will be before the council. They will also discuss establishing other required code changes such as Time, Place, and Manner (TPMs) regulations that address the siting and operations of dispensaries.
The Time, Place, and Manner (TPM) regulations would change the City Development Code, which means it must be reviewed by the Planning Commission before coming up for formal adoption by the council on March 25. A third ordinance related to Business Licenses will also be heard by councilors in March.
The city council will also be considering the use of Photo Radar and Photo-Red Light for the purpose of traffic safety enforcement. With changes to Oregon state laws, the City of Redmond may employ photo enforcement technology in high-traffic problem areas around the city to increase traffic safety and deter dangerous driving behaviors.
Councilors also plan to vote on the adoption of their 2025-2027 City Council Goals.
Residents are encouraged to provide Council with feedback in-person at each City Council Meetings held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Meetings are hosted in the City Council Chambers, 411 SW 9th Street in Redmond. Unable to attend in person? You can provide public comment virtually; pre-registration is required by 4:00 p.m. on the date of the meeting. To register, email or call 541-923-7755. Written comments may be submitted via email to
Redmond City Council meetings are streamed live on the City website at and are broadcast live on COTV 11 – TDS Channel 11 beginning at 6:00 p.m. on regular meeting nights.