Bend VFW post offers veterans support, awarding monthly $200 gas card

BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- Bend's Mike Ward Ponderosa Pine VFW Post #1643 has started a program to support area veterans in need. Each month, the Post will award a $200 gas gift card to a veteran selected from online nominations.
The first card was awarded at the Post’s December general meeting. New nominations will be accepted until the first week in February. A panel of current VFW members reviews each submission to determine a winner.
According to Program Chair Nick Cerveny, an informal survey of veterans’ needs turned up a regular need for gas: “Veterans need to get to appointments, jobs, interviews, and other critical meetings. This program will aid them to do that, as well as allow them to focus other benefits on other needs.”
The local program traces its roots to the founding of the national VFW in 1899 to support veterans of the Spanish American War and the Philippine Insurrection. Many arrived home sick or injured, and without medical care or a military pension.
The form can be found at the Post’s website, or on their Facebook page.
Veterans can be nominated multiple times but can win only once per year. This program is supported by local donations. Donations are not required for nominees to be considered. Donations are accepted at the Post, with plans to accept online donations soon.
For more information contact Nick Cerveny, , Larry Herrmann,
Or contact the Post at 541-389-0775 (2 PM – 8PM Tu-Fr)
Mike Ward Ponderosa Pine VFW Post #1643 is the local Post of the national Veterans of Foreign Wars. Its Canteen is open to the public Tuesday through Saturdays, 2 PM until 8 PM, and on Sundays 10 AM until 5 PM.