Oregon Zoo mourns loss of black bear Takoda from cardiac arrest during routine checkup

PORTLAND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- The Oregon Zoo is in mourning following the sudden and unexpected loss of Takoda, the youngest of the zoo’s black bear family, who died Friday during a routine medical procedure.
“It is just devastating for the zoo staff and really the entire zoo community,” said Travis Koons, who oversees the zoo’s Great Northwest area. “Takoda brought so much joy. He was the life and spirit not only of the group of black bears but also the care staff. He was loved by everyone — from the older bears who adopted him into their group to the keepers who cared for him every day to thousands of fans on social media. It is heartbreaking.”
Takoda went into cardiac arrest while under anesthesia for a routine health check, according to Koons.
“Our vet staff did everything possible to bring him back,” he said. “They were performing CPR for more than a half hour, but they couldn’t revive him.”
Takoda, whose name meant “friend to all” in Sioux, arrived at the Oregon Zoo in November 2010. He had been orphaned as a cub in Montana, where he was found hungry and dehydrated, weighing less than 3 pounds. Rescued by wildlife officials, the young cub was nursed back to health but could not be released back to the wild, so a new home was found for him at the zoo’s Black Bear Ridge.
During his first eight years at the zoo, Takoda wowed visitors and staff each spring by climbing a 50-foot Douglas fir tree in his habitat to feast on the new growth near the top. His companions — Cubby, Tuff and Dale — would wait below to catch whatever dropped while Takoda was foraging.
“It was breathtaking to see a 400-pound bear so high up in one of those giant trees,” Koons said. “A little scary for us, to be honest, but black bears are natural climbers.”
Once he grew into an adult, he no longer climbed to those heights, Koons said, but you could still count on him to mark the changing seasons. On warmer days, he became known for playfully relaxing in a sturdy 300-gallon tub that caregivers kept filled with cool water.
“He loved splashing around in his tub,” Koons said. “He was spunky, amazingly smart and an incredible, fun-loving individual.”