Tuesday’s Oregon high school basketball scores

Central 50, South Albany 36
Churchill 42, North Eugene 36
Corvallis 61, Dallas 44
Crater 43, Eagle Point 40
La Salle 56, St. Helens 24
North Salem 57, Crescent Valley 53
Putnam 61, Hillsboro 46
Scappoose 67, Milwaukie Academy Of The Arts 57
Silverton 78, Lebanon 33
Thurston 64, Springfield 57
Willamette 68, North Bend 26
Wilsonville 64, Parkrose 43
OSAA Playoffs=
Class 6A=
First Round=
Barlow 71, Tigard 58
Beaverton 63, Bend 42
Central Catholic 71, Southridge 43
Cleveland 63, Century 38
Grant 69, Gresham 54
Jesuit 61, Sherwood 57
Lake Oswego 59, Mountain View 42
Lincoln 57, Canby 52
Mountainside 64, Benson 52
North Medford 48, Sprague 37
Roosevelt 62, Clackamas 45
South Medford 79, Sunset 55
Summit 78, Liberty 46
Tualatin 96, Roseburg 72
West Linn 90, Wells 70
West Salem 76, David Douglas 74
Central 57, South Albany 44
Churchill 42, North Eugene 36
Corvallis 74, Dallas 35
Crater 62, Eagle Point 23
Crescent Valley 50, North Salem 34
La Salle 69, St. Helens 33
Milwaukie Academy Of The Arts 57, Scappoose 37
Putnam 50, Hillsboro 25
Silverton 43, Lebanon 31
Springfield 51, Thurston 33
Willamette 65, North Bend 33
Wilsonville 63, Parkrose 9
Some high school basketball scores provided by Scorestream.com, https://scorestream.com/