Reed Market Rd. design workshops set
The city of Bend is holding two public workshops to receive community input on the design of the Reed Market Road corridor from 3rd St. to 27th St.
The meetings will be held Wednesday, August 1 in the Bend Police Department Municipal Courtroom, 555 NE 15th St. A daytime workshop will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and an identical evening workshop will follow from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Both events are drop-in with no formal presentation planned.
At the meetings, the project team will review the design plans to date, which include a three-lane cross section, medians, bike lanes, sidewalks, intersection improvements, and landscaping.
A new, multi-lane roundabout at 15th Street is being recommended, as is a traffic signal at American Lane, and realigning American Lane bridge to the west.
City staff are interested in receiving public comments on these features as well as other ideas such as a railroad quiet zone, pedestrian signal at 9th Street, and a construction detour (instead of staging). A follow up public meeting is planned later this year to review the refined roadway designs.
The total project budget for Reed Market Road is $18 million, with construction set to begin in summer 2013. Funding is provided by the 2011 voter-approved Transportation Bond program. Three roundabouts that are also part of the bond program currently are under construction.
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