Panel approves Bend city budget, with changes
The Bend Budget Committee approved the city’s $493.8 million 2013-15 biennial budget Thursday night, sending it on to the city council for final approval next month.
The budget committee is made up of the seven city councilors and seven citizen members.
The 2013-15 budget focuses on the priorities in the City Council Work Plan, including investments in infrastructure, economic growth, public safety and community involvement.
The budget panel approved two proposed positions each for the police and fire departments.
In addition, the committee added funding for another position in the fire department to staff a new one-person response unit, designed to reduce current response times.
The budget committee also approved the elimination of a 14 percent long-range planning surcharge on development fees, dedicated funding for accessibility construction and increased resources for street maintenance.
You can view the budget on the Finance Department page at