Portland ponders ban on new fossil fuel terminals

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — The Portland City Council is considering banning new major fossil fuel storage facilities in the city.
Oregon Public Broadcasting reports (http://bit.ly/2g5RTm2 ) that the proposed ordinance would prohibit new bulk fossil fuel terminals of over 2 million gallons. The code change would apply to fossil fuels such as coal, crude oil, natural gas, methane and propane
It also limits the expansion of existing fossil fuel terminals to no more than 10 percent of the current storage capacity.
The council is taking up the ordinance Wednesday, following a hearing last week that drew supporters and critics. A final vote is expected Dec. 8.
Portland Mayor Charlie Hales says the city can’t regulate what railroads or barges carry, but it can regulate local land-use activities.
Supporters say it’s needed to address climate change and potential health and safety risks.
Critics say it could have unforeseen effects on the supply of gasoline and other fuels statewide.
Information from: KOPB-FM, http://news.opb.org