100+ Women Who Care C.O. raises more than $20K for three area nonprofits

BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- Like everyone, due to COVID, 100+ Women Who Care Central Oregon had to challenge themselves to meet and move forward with their mission.
Because we were unable to meet in person, we held our quarterly meeting virtually. Instead of voting for one of three nominated worthy nonprofits, three recipients were randomly chosen from member-nominated organizations. Members ‘voted’ by donating to their chosen nonprofit. Many gracious women even donated to all three.
Our collective efforts raised $20,225. Donations continue to come in (and are still gratefully accepted.) We are pleased to announce:Boys & Girls Club of Bend, $8,975; Cascade Theatrical Company, $3,150; and Grandma's House, $8,100.
Kristin Betschart, co-leader of 100+ WWCCO said, “There are no words to express the gratitude I feel for the compassionate women in this organization. We know this is a tough time for so many. My heart if full.”
Boys & Girls Club: Funds will be used for scholarships for summer camps, now in session. https://www.bgcbend.org/
Cascades Theatrical Company: Funds will be used to support their All Aspects Teen Theatre, the only teen program in Oregon. https://www.cascadestheatrical.org/all-aspects-teen-theatre
Grandma’s House: money raised will be used to update their home by adding an additional room and to purchase outdated household furniture and other needs. https://www.grandmashouseofco.org/
About 100+Women Who Care of Central Oregon: A member-based organization of women who meet quarterly (though virtually during COVID) to make a difference in C.O. though collective $100 donation to the voted-upon nonprofit. To learn more about this amazing organization that has grown to be one of the largest chapters in the world, and has raised more than $520,225 for local non-profits since its inception in 2014, please visit 100wwcco.com.