Welcome to Pay it Forward!
Enter your nominee for a chance to win $500 to Pay it Forward AND be featured on KTVZ News and Fox Central Oregon.
CENTRAL OREGON IS FULL OF INDIVIDUALS WHO GO ABOVE AND BEYOND. To inspire kindness and giving, KTVZ News 21 & MidOregon Credit Union and Dutch Bros Coffee are giving away $500 every month to one of these inspirational people.
Each month, a committee selects a winner who receives $500 to award to the deserving person or organization they’ve nominated.
The winner and recipient will be featured on KTVZ News at 6 P.M. and 11 P.M., the Fox 10 P.M. News, and the following morning on KTVZ News at Sunrise. Each recipient is also featured on KTVZ.com and on our Facebook and Instagram sites.
Family members of the nominating person, employees of NPG of Oregon and the sponsors are not eligible to be nominated.
These are the recent recipients to date who’ve benefited from the Pay it Forward campaign. Many thanks to our sponsors, Mid Oregon Credit Union and Dutch Bros Coffee of Central Oregon, for making the $500 monthly award a reality for so many great individuals and organizations in Central Oregon.
January: Daughters of the American Revolution
March: Council on Aging of Central Oregon’s Caring Connections program
January: Nativity Wood Lot, Richard Berg
February: Inspirational Giving
March: Sisters Community Foundation
April: Diaper Bank of Central Oregon
June: Security Pros guard Samson Staley
July: Shepherd’s House Ministries
August: American Red Cross
October: La Pine Community Kitchen
November: Central Oregon Veterans Ranch
December: Shepherd’s House Ministries Redmond Center
January: Dave Pete, Redmond VFW Post 4108
February: Super-volunteer Connie Slape
March: Crook County High track Head Coach Ernie Brooks
April: Bend, Oregon National Guard Solider and Family Readiness Group
May: Thrive Central Oregon
June: Weekend Food for Students program at Redmond HS
July: Helpful La Pine retiree Mark Donzelli
August: Family Access Network, Supplies 4 Schools
October: Jo Ann Dewey, Friend to Friend
November: Ruth Gordon, La Pine Christian Center Food Pantry
December: Bend Rotary Clubs, Tree of Joy
December: Volunteers in Medicine Clinic of the Cascades
January: New Each Morning
February: Care and Share program
March: Honor Flight of Central Oregon
April: Rotary Club of Greater Bend Ukraine aid
May: Presbyterian Quilters of Redmond
August: NeighborImpact, NewsChannel 21’s Fair booth partner
September: Bend Police Dept., for quick response in recent tragedy
November: Les Schwab Tire Centers Toy Drive
December: 7-year-old Redmond fundraiser Kennedy Nichols
January – Joy Christiansen of Bend, ‘Choose Joy Foundation’
February – Redmond Spirit Foundation
March – Lines for Life
April – Heartwarmers
May – Rising Stars Preschool, La Pine
June – Howard Friedman, Bethlehem Inn
August – Warm Springs registered nurse Marc Mason
September – St. Charles front-line workers
November – Redmond Police Department
December – The Opportunity Foundation