Warm Sun Shines on Bend’s Earth Day Events

Nature served up the warmest day of the year for Saturday’s Earth Day celebrations in Bend and across the High Desert.
Temperatures soared into the upper 70s, even 80 degrees in places, and were comfortable as can be for Earth Day Parade and Fair participants, after weeks of cool, showery weather.
Hndreds of people gathered in downtown Bend, as the annual Earth Day parade brought out people young and old, many dressed up as animals of all shapes and sizes.
Although Earth Day only happens once a year, many Bend residents work year-round to help our planet.
Resident Ruth Gilpin said, “I use reusable grocery bags, I recycle at my house, and I am very concious of reusing a water bottle.”
Vendors and promoters of green living and a clean earth lined Kansas Avenue as well. Local farmers, non-profits and solar companies were there to share their green ideas with passers-by, and shared some of their green initiatives with us.
Marisa Hossick of the Deschutes River Conservancy said, “I think having healthy rivers and streams is a great thing for a community and for people and for the environment.”
Lindsey Hardy of Sunlight Solar added, “Earth Day is the one time of the year where people start to finally pay attention to issues that are going on. So it is really great to be a part of that energy, and hopefully help people carry that through and take action throughout the year.”
Earth Day is celebrated worldwide in 175 countries. While Americans noted the day Saturday, the United Nations has designated Sunday, April 22 as International Mother Earth Day.
If you have a few photos of the parade or other Earth Day events around the region, or other special weekend photos, feel free to share them at stories@ktvz.com or with our smartphone apps’ My Report feature for an online scrapbook.