Bend police offer holiday driving safety reminders
The Bend Police Department would like to take this time to remind community members and visitors to our area about driving safely during this holiday season.
While this is a great time of year to celebrate with friends and family, there is an increased possibility of people driving while impaired or in an unsafe manner.
When you are out enjoying the holiday festivities, please remember to plan ahead and use either a designated driver or taxi service to ensure safe travel.
Bend Police Department Officers will be increasing enforcement on impaired drivers this season with overtime funds received through a grant from the Oregon Department of Transportation. It is our goal to ensure safety for all road users. To help us reach our goal, please dedicate yourself to promoting safe driving practices in our community by adopting some, or all, of the below resolutions:
DUII Prevention:
• I resolve not to ask anyone who has been drinking, “Are you okay to drive?” because I know that they really aren’t.
• I resolve not to drive when I’ve been drinking.
• I resolve to call 911 if I see someone I think is driving impaired.
• I resolve to be the designated sober driver for my friends or family whenever they ask.
• I resolve to stay sober if I am the designated driver.
• I resolve to support the sober driver in my group.
• I resolve NOT to drive buzzed.
• I resolve to give my kids a safe ride home – no questions asked.
• I resolve never to give alcohol to minors.
• I resolve to not let my friends or family drive while impaired.
Cell Phone/Mobile Devices:
• I resolve not to text or talk on my cell phone while driving.
• I resolve to not call or text anyone when I think they may be driving.
• I resolve to turn off my phone when I’m driving so I don’t get distracted.
• I resolve to be a good example for my kids and not text or talk while driving.
• I resolve to remember, whenever I am tempted to use a cell phone while driving, “It’s not worth it!”
Buckle Up:
• I resolve to make sure everyone in the car is buckled up on every ride, day or night!
• I resolve to have my child safety seats inspected by a certified professional.
Safe Driving:
• I resolve to follow speed, red light, safe turns and ALL other traffic laws.
• I resolve to be a courteous commuter.
• I resolve to share the road with motorists, motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians alike.