Monson named to state bike/pedestrian panel
The Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee is pleased to announce the appointment of four new members.
The eight-member governor-appointed committee advises the Oregon Department of Transportation on issues related to bicycling and walking. New members are:
Evan MacKenzie: Evan is a Pendleton city planner Jeff Monson: Jeff is the executive director of Commute Options in Bend Susan Piethman: Susan is the Research and Program Administrator at the Oregon Transportation Research Consortium and Education (OTREC) and is based at Portland State University Kenji Sugahara is the executive director of the Oregon Bicycle Racing Assn., based in Salem
There are eight members on the committee and they meet regularly throughout the year and in locations around the state. To keep up-to-date on bicycle/pedestrian programs at ODOT, sign up for automatic email alerts at .